Style: IPA
Brewed by: Urbanaut Brewing Co (Auckland, New Zealand)
ABV: 7.2%
Showcasing the malts from Canterbury New Zealand, balanced with heady aromatic NZ hops. Big, bold, proud. A fresh hop aroma with cut grass and citrus. Left with a clean dry finish from an ale yeast that’s fully feasted, leaving an estery note.
都市 威廉斯堡 IPA
Brewed by: Urbanaut Brewing Co (Auckland, New Zealand)
ABV: 7.2%
Showcasing the malts from Canterbury New Zealand, balanced with heady aromatic NZ hops. Big, bold, proud. A fresh hop aroma with cut grass and citrus. Left with a clean dry finish from an ale yeast that’s fully feasted, leaving an estery note.
都市 威廉斯堡 IPA
这款Williamsburg IPA展示了新西兰坎特伯雷的麦芽,以及令人愉悦的新西兰啤酒花风味。浓郁饱满中带有青草和柑橘的新鲜香气,充分的发酵产生了纯净干爽的收口感,并带有酯味。