Urbanaut Copacabana Brut IPA (330ml)


Style: IPA
Brewed by: Urbanaut Brewing Co (Auckland, New Zealand)
ABV: 7.1% 

Strap on your triangle bikini, book the sun bed, it's our first birthday and we're off to Copacabana! But unlike Barry Manilow, our brewery and this Brut IPA are at the forefront of global beer culture.

Emerging from the Northern California beer scene, the Brut IPA style is brewed and fermented so that no residual sugars remain in the beer, giving a light body and sparkling effervescence. If it weren’t for the intense aromas of fresh fruit salad with melon, mango, stone fruit and lemon tart, you'd swear you were drinking a fine champagne.

Bone-dry and spritzy, this hugely aromatic Brut IPA will make you want to dust off the white tuxedo, bust out the hair spray and hit the dance floor... Its Carnival in a can!

城市探险家 科帕卡巴纳 香槟IPA
系上你的三角比基尼,订好日光浴床,这是我们的第一个生日,我们要去科帕卡巴纳了! 但与巴里-曼尼洛不同的是,我们的啤酒厂和这款Brut IPA是站在全球啤酒文化的最前沿。Brut IPA风格兴起于北加州啤酒界,经过酿造和发酵,啤酒中没有残留的糖分,使啤酒具有轻盈的酒体和闪亮的气泡。如果不是新鲜水果沙拉、甜瓜、芒果、石果和柠檬酸味的浓郁香气,你会发誓你喝的是一杯上等香槟。这款酒主体干而有活力,香气浓郁的Brut IPA会让你想脱掉白色燕尾服,喷上发胶,跳起舞来。它是罐装的狂欢节。