The White Hag Little Fawn Session IPA (330ml)

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Style: Session IPA
Brewed by: White Hag (Ballymote, Ireland)
ABV: 4.2%

Discovered as a child on the slopes of Ben Bulben by Bran & Sceolan, this young and sprightly warrior spent his summers foraging and hunting the mountains and woodlands. These local flavours are reflective in the taste experience – Fruity hop notes, balanced with lush Irish malt create a complex, sessionable IPA

An easy-to-drink American-style session IPA. Brewed with 100% Irish malt for a pale, very clean base; layered with Mosaic hops, famous for their ever-changing aroma.
The flavour is fruity hops with aromas of blueberry, passionfruit, and grapefruit. Well balanced, with a mild lingering bitter finish.

The flavour is fruity hops with aromas of blueberry, passionfruit, and grapefruit. Well balanced, with a mild lingering bitter finish.

白色女巫 小鹿 社交型IPA
当他们还是个孩子的时候,Bran和Sceolan就在Ben Bulben的山坡上发现了这个年轻而活跃的战士,他整个夏天都在山上和林地里觅食狩猎。这些本地风味反映在这款酒中:果香啤酒花味与葱郁的爱尔兰麦芽相平衡,创造出了这款复杂而又易饮的IPA。它拥有浓郁的酒花水果香味,包括蓝莓、百香果和葡萄柚味。酒体均衡,收口感中的苦味温和持久。