Taiwan Head Taiwan Jasmine Session Ale 啤酒頭 小暑 (330ml)


Style: Session Ale
Brewed by: Taiwan Head Brewers (Taiwan)
ABV: 4.5% / IBU: 19

Xiaoshu means “Minor Heat” marking the midway point of the summer, and that means we are only a few weeks away from the hottest time of the year – “Major Heat.”

“Minor Heat” is the mellow cousin of our “Major Heat” Jasmine IPA, with lower ABV %, IBU and lighter body. Like his cousin, “Minor Heat” is full of grapefruit and tropical fruit flavors from American hops, accompanied with the distinct jasmine flavors from jasmine flowers grown in Changhua, Taiwan. Grab a few bottles of both “Minor Heat” and “Major Heat” and also check your AC (and make sure it works), you are now ready for the summer.

啤酒頭 小暑 茉莉花社交型愛爾

「小暑 Session Ale 」是「大暑 IPA」的輕盈版,使用台灣彰化花壇的茉莉花,適度的降低酒精度與酒體,但保持著美式啤酒花的溫柔芬芳,讓人在炎熱的夏天,享受由上而下澆灌全身的清涼感。