Taiwan Head Coffee Stout 啤酒頭 大寒 (330ml)

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Style: Stout
Brewed by: Taiwan Head Brewers (Taiwan)
ABV: 8% / IBU: 35

“Dahan” means “Major Cold” is the last solar term of the year and can be the coldest time of the year in some regions. However, Major Cold also marks the end of the winter and the beginning of the upcoming Chinese New Year!

To celebrate this time of the year, we brew a very special stout with dark roasted malts and Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee, one of the world’s most prestigious coffee. This mind-blowing stout is full-bodied and full of flavors of roasted nuts, coffee (surprise!), dark chocolate, lightly-burnt caramel, and a hidden note of bright fruity acidity from Yirgacheffe coffee. Enjoy this beer and don’t forget to pat yourself on the back for surviving another harsh winter and tough year.

啤酒頭 大寒 咖啡世濤
「臘酒自盈罇,金爐獸炭溫;大寒宜近火,無事莫開門。」天氣寒冷的時節,深色的司陶特 Stout 啤酒是最佳選擇。咖啡加入 Stout 中一起釀造並非啤酒頭的獨創,這組合散見於美英精釀啤酒廠。咖啡因高溫烘焙,梅納反應與焦糖化協同的芳香甜美,與深色啤酒配搭往往有畫龍點睛之效。如果在冬夜,啜飲飽含焦糖、咖啡、麥芽香的啤酒,就算是一個旅人也能感受溫暖。
