Rogue Dead Guy Ale Maibock (CAN)(355ml)

by Rogue
Sold out
Style: Bock - Heller / Maibock
Brewed by: Rogue Ales (Newport, Oregon)
ABV: 6.8% / IBU: 40 

Packaing: CAN

Dead Guy is a German-style Maibock made with Rogue’s proprietary "PacMan" ale yeast. It is deep honey in color with a malty aroma, rich hearty flavor and a well balanced finish. Dead Guy is created from Northwest Harrington, Klages, Maier Munich and Carastan malts, along with Perle and Saaz Hops. In the early 1990s Dead Guy Ale was created as a private tap sticker to celebrate the Mayan Day of the Dead (November 1st, All Souls Day) for Casa U Betcha in Portland, Oregon. The Dead Guy design proved popular and was incorporated into a bottled product a few years later with MaierBock as the elixir. 16° Ingredients: 2-Row, C15, Munich & Rogue Farms Dare™ and Risk™ Malts; Perle & Sterling Hops; Free Range Coastal Water & Pacman Yeast.

2018: Platinum - World Beverage Competition
2017: Best of US - World Beer Awards
2016: Bronze - World Beverage Competition
2016: 2nd - Great International Beer & Cider Competition
2016: Bronze - Australian International Beer Awards

罗格 坏家伙 艾尔 清亮型博克
这是罗格酒厂的一款拳头产品,据说这款酒曾今还入选过男人最喜欢的十大啤酒阵容,有着6.5%酒精浓度的它,是一款上发酵酵母酿造工艺的啤酒,却有着下发酵的风格,入口先甜后苦,淡淡的麦芽甜味过后就是酒花的单纯苦味,层次分明。酒体在阳光下呈金红色,十分漂亮。罗格坏家伙当时是一款专为纪念玛雅人的亡灵节而特别设计的酒标。这款啤酒瞬间便风靡起来,形成了一大批忠实的粉丝。从此罗格酒厂将“坏家伙”这一形象用于了其经典的五月博克艾尔啤酒。口味复刻了经典的德式五月博克风格啤酒,酒液呈深蜜色,带有浓郁、怡人的麦香和酒花口味。曾获奖项:2015 年世界啤酒大赛金奖,2008-2012 年在世界啤酒大赛上连续获奖。