Veltins Grevensteiner Original (500ml)

by Veltins
Sold out
Style: Zwickel / Keller / Landbier
Brewed by: Brauerei C.& A. Veltins (Meschede-Grevenstein, Germany)
ABV: 5.2% 

Naturally cloudy Grevensteiner Original is a light country beer brewed with soft spring water and freshly harvested hops. Tried-and-tested malt gives the beer its amber shine and full-bodied taste. Brewed in line with the German Purity Law.

In the nineteenth century, brothers Carl and Anton Veltins brewed an exquisite beer in the Grevensteiner Brewery that achieved much more than popularity. With Grevensteiner beer, Brauerei C. & A. Veltins has brought this story back to life because brewing tradition and speciality beers are experiencing a revival in Germany. More and more consumers are discovering the diversity of the world of beer and are developing a passion for beer culture.

The beer exhibits a silky soft amber colour with orange hues and has a smooth, velvety head. The complex taste is initially dominated by caramel with a light undertone of honey and roasted almonds and fresh, fruity notes closely resembling green apples. Despite its intense and slightly malty, sweet taste, Grevensteiner is still noticeably tangy and elegant. A roasted bitter note coupled with a nutty flavour tops off this sensory experience by allowing a creamy caramel taste to unfold.

费尔廷斯 格莱芬施泰恩 原味窖藏啤酒
格莱芬施泰恩啤酒厂C.&A.费尔廷斯在悠久的酿造行业中起死回生,在上个世纪,孪生兄弟卡尔和安东费尔廷斯开始使用传统酿造法酿酒 - 在他上面刻印出啤酒厂的100年历史。球根状Steinieflasche表明,固态酿造的传统是从这里开始的。历史悠久的Steinieflasche是容器,与酿酒厂C.&A.费尔廷斯已经合作了几十年。一个看似带有历史标签的密封瓶盖上显示出历史产品的复兴。传统麦芽的使用赋予了它琥珀色与橙色相融合的酒体颜色,加上细致柔软如丝绒般的泡沫,使人感受到似蜂蜜、杏仁和新鲜水果般的焦糖复杂口感。它采用了底部发酵的酿造手法,使用新鲜泉水与特制酒花酿造,是一款甘甜醇厚,口味独特的啤酒。