BrewDog DOUBLE Hazy Jane NEIPA (CAN) (440ml)

by BrewDog
Style - NEIPA
Brewed by: BrewDog (Aberdeenshire, Scotland)
ABV : 7.2% / IBU : 35

East Coasts collide and crank it up for this new New England IPA retuned in Scotland. Brewed with oats and wheat and left unfiltered for a hazy appearance and super smooth delivery. Dry-hopped for a full-tilt fruit hit with pineapple, mango and a hint of zesty lime. Low on bitterness, high on haze, heavy on hops.

酿酒狗 朦胧的简 新英格兰IPA
Hazy Jane是一款浓郁水果的新英格兰风味的印度淡啤酒,在成熟的水果味浓郁的层层下面呈现出一个完整而柔软的酒体。 散发着菠萝,油桃和芒果的气息, 其次是淡松散的树脂和柠檬皮的香气。 这种多汁的“IPA”,具有低度的苦味,但质地饱满,流畅,增强了柔软的成熟水果味。