Brewed by: Taiwan Head Brewers (Taiwan)
ABV: 5.6% / IBU: 16
“Chushu” means “the end of heat” and is the solar team marking the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Chinese called this period “Autumn Tiger” to describe the furious heat wave people often experience during this time.
“Chushu” is not your typical boring tasteless lager. It is first hopped with Columbus, Cascade, and Mosaic, and then we patiently wait for the lager yeast to do their magic during the extended period of cold fermentation and lagering. The result is a clean, crisp and refreshing beer with citrus, tropical fruit aroma and flavors. Get this beer in hand and you are now ready to fight the tiger.
啤酒頭 處暑 美式淡色拉格
趕不走的艷陽下,還是清爽果香的酒最能消暑。「處暑」是款美式淺色拉格,使用 Lager 酵母低溫發酵與熟成,清脆酒體覆滿啤酒花的熱帶水果香。今年暑氣就以「處暑」畫上句點。