Honey Panda's Greetings MiMi Beer HK Yuan Yang Brown Ale 蜜蜜®啤HK鴛鴦棕色艾爾啤酒 (330ml)

by MiMi
Sold out
Style: Brown Ale
Brewed by MiMi (Hong Kong)
5% ABV

Tomy’s Tasting Note
Beautiful coffee aroma together with hints of caramel and nuts.  Very smooth.  Sweetness from malt pairs extremely well with the bitter aftertaste of the ‘black tea’.  Very drinkable and tastes just like the delicious Hong Kong beverage “Yuan Yang” but with foam and bubbles!

Product Story
“Yuan Yang” is a famous Hong Kong style beverage.  One day, when Panda MiMi saw the “Cha Chaan Teng” style tea cup while having her first cup of Hiang Kie Yuan Yang, it reminded her of her craving for an iced cold drink everytime she finished playing “Mad Tea Party”!  When Lion Bee Bee found out about it, he specially brewed this Brown Ale, which is filled with feelings of Hong Kong and tastes just like an iced-cold “Yuan Yang” - with foam and bubbles for Panda MiMi’s enjoyment.




"鴛鴦"是源於香港的馳名飲品!熊貓蜜蜜某天喝她的第一杯香記鴛鴦時,看到茶餐廳式的杯就回憶起每當玩咖啡杯機動遊戲後,總想來一杯凍飲,爽! 大獅啤啤遂為她特別炮製了這款揉合香港情懷而又如有氣凍鴛鴦的棕色艾爾啤酒,讓她回味無窮!