Hawkes Urban Orchard Apple Cider (CAN)(330ml)

by Hawkes
Sold out
Style: Cider
ABV: 4.5%

We are on a crusade to put the craft back into cider, and – like the original hawkers – we are relentless in our quest. Made from London-pressed country apples, expertly blended – this is cider at its best. Here’s to the humble apple and its power to change the world of cider forever.

Two worlds collide in our classic medium dry cider made from a unique blend of London-pressed country apples. Crafted to deliver a smooth and harmonious body with a complex and rich texture on the palate, all complemented by a crisp, dry wine-like finale.

霍克斯 都市果园 苹果西打
我们正在进行一场十字军东征,要把这艘飞船装回苹果酒里,而且像最初的小贩一样,我们坚持不懈地追求。这款Urban Orchard Apple Cider使用了伦敦压榨的苹果,经过专业混合后酿造。让我们为了苹果和它永远改变苹果酒世界的力量而干杯。