Style: IPA
Brewed by: CREW Republic Brewery
ABV: 6.8% / IBU: 70
Ratebeer Review: German. Pours beautiful golden with off white head. Notes of citrus fruits are dominant. Very creamy and tastes of grapefruit, tangerine, orange peel, sugar followed by a spicy bitterness that lingers. I see this becoming a favorite of mine. Excellent brew!
这款酒呈朦胧的偏橙琥珀色,伴随着中等大小的白色泡沫头。 有一股果香和略带菠萝的香草,有柑橘,葡萄柚和橘子的香气。 苦味细腻甜美,中等酒体,适度碳酸化。 浓郁的麦芽香,以及水果和松树的树脂啤酒花,含有一些热带果香; 持续的苦涩和温和甜美的完成与嵌入,几乎感觉不到酒精的强度。