Tiny Rebel Pump Up the Jam Pale Ale (330ml)

Sold out
Style: Pale Ale
Brewed by: Tiny Rebel (Monmouthshire, Rogerstone, Wales)
ABV: 4.8

The UK's favourite Jam Doughnut Pale Ale.

Imagine pumpin' doughnuts full of jam and then cramming those into a pale ale. This is the jammiest doughnut pale ale you'll find in a can. 

Pump up the Jam - Stop drooling and just drink it.

小叛逆 加满果酱 美式淡色艾尔
没有什么比一个甜美而粘稠的甜甜圈更令人满意的,也没有什么比凉爽,清新的淡色艾尔更令人满足的了。它们都有自己的方式取悦别人。所以如果他们结合一体后会发生什么?在淡色艾尔甜甜圈的试验失败之后,面团在啤酒中浸泡使酒体呈现出糊状,我们决定完全将它改变,将甜甜圈加入到啤酒中!这款Pump Up The Jam American Pale Ale结合了甜果酱味和甜面包麦芽味,就好像是品脱杯中的液体果酱甜甜圈。是真的!想象一下最好的果酱甜甜圈搭配最好的啤酒。冷却到完美温度,痛快地倒入杯中吧!