Taiwan Head Brewers Oriental Beauty Tea 啤酒頭 立秋 (330ml)

Style: English Pale Ale
Brewed by: Taiwan Head Brewers (Taiwan)
ABV: 6.3% / IBU: 40

“Liqiu” means the beginning of the autumn. Liqui is an English pale ale brewed with locally- grown White Tip Oolong tea (also called “Oriental Beauty.”)

Oriental Beauty is a very unique terroir-based tea variety that must be bitten by tea green leafhoppers to release its unique dried fruit and honey flavors, which blend perfectly with the rich fruity and malty flavors in English pale ale.
Welcome autumn!

2019 Berlin International Beer Competition (BIBC) Silver
2018 World Beer Cup, American (WBC) Herb and Spice Beer Bronze
2017 World Beer Award (WBA) World Best Flavoured Herb & Spice
2017 International Beer Challenge, England (IBC) Silver
2015 International Beer Cup, Japan (IBC) Bronze

啤酒頭 立秋
「涼風至、白露降、寒蟬鳴」,時至立秋。百年前「 東方美人茶」由台灣出口到的歐陸的華麗冒險,使英國的維多利亞女王驚艷不已,賜美名「東方美人 Oriental Beauty」;舊時光的再現,東西國飲相遇的美妙激盪,再次體現在「立秋」茶啤酒之中。

「立秋」有著英系啤酒特有的飽滿麥芽甜香,佐以小綠葉蟬著涎過的「 東方美人茶」,讓蜂蜜味與熟果香氣融入啤酒中,重現百年前東西相會的傳奇史詩。

2015 日本國際啤酒大賽 IBC 銅賞 Bronze
2017 英國國際啤酒挑戰賽 IBC 銀牌 Silver
2017 世界啤酒大賽 WBA 全球最佳香草調味啤酒獎 World Best Flavoured Herb & Spice
2018 世界啤酒盃 WBC 香草調味啤酒組 銅牌 Herb and Spice Beer Bronze
2019 柏林國際啤酒大賽 IBC 銀牌 Silver