Founders Velvet Rush Double Imperial Brown Ale (355ml)

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Style: Imperial Brown Ale / Strong Ale
Brewed by: Founders Brewing Co.
ABV: 11.1%  /  IBU:30

Borrowing elements from both high-end craft cocktails and moody jazz clubs, Velvet Rush takes the bourbon barrel-aged brown ale up an octave with free-flowing notes of coffee, chocolate and vanilla extract. Milk sugar aids in weaving together this complex tapestry of flavors to create a unique sipping experience that really ties the room together.

创始者 天鹅绒灯芯草 帝国棕色艾尔啤酒
Velvet Rush借用了高端工艺鸡尾酒和充满情调的爵士俱乐部的元素,通过自由流动的咖啡、巧克力和香草提取物的味道,将波旁酒桶陈酿的棕色啤酒提升了一个八度。牛奶糖有助于将这种复杂的味道编织在一起,创造一种独特的啜饮体验,真正将整个房间联系在一起。