Taiwan Head Brewers Grapefuit NEIPA 啤酒頭 葡萄柚NEIPA啤酒 (330ml)

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Style: NEIPA
Brewed by: Taiwan Head Brewers (Taiwan)
ABV: 6.6% / IBU: 55

““Da-xue”” means “major snow” and is the solar-term near the mid-winter. During this time of the year, the night becomes darker and snow begins to fall from the sky; another hazy night is coming. To make this hazy winter less depressing, we decided to make a fruity, bright, and yes, hazy, New England-style IPA with a lot of wheat, oats, hops, and grapefruit, and dry-hopped it with more Columbus, Mosaic, and Sabro hops. This happy and hazy IPA is full of citrus, yuzu, mango, and coconut flavors with a full and creamy mouthfeel.

Like a cup of freshly-made hot chocolate on a snowy day, this beer should be enjoyed as soon as possible to get the freshness of hops. Let the hops run wild and be your guide through the major snow days.

啤酒頭 葡萄柚NEIPA啤酒

作為節氣系列的倒數第二支啤酒,讓我們挑戰 NEIPA 對新鮮度的嚴苛要求。​

釀酒師以雪景作為發想,藉著 NEIPA 啤酒的混濁外觀,描繪身處茫茫大雪中的視線不清,層層果香蘊含著寒冬苦韻,「大雪 Grapefruit NEIPA」 就這麼誕生。​

NEIPA 水果香氣繁複、酒體混濁宛如雪景,爆炸果香下的 IBU 蘊含品嚐這款酒的跌宕起伏。
「大雪 NEIPA」非常重視鮮度,上市後請盡速購買,回家立即放置於冰箱,天天都是飲用的良辰吉時,新鮮喝才對味!

用啤酒感受台灣少見的大雪場景。啤酒頭以新英格蘭 NEIPA 為風格,釀造過程加入大量啤酒花與葡萄柚,並搭配燕麥、小麥進行發酵,造就濃濃柑橘、柚子、葡萄柚與椰子香氣,穀物的蛋白質帶來混濁外觀,是一款啤酒花果香四溢的好喝啤酒