Bridge Road Bling IPA (330ml)

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Style: IPA
Brewed by: Bridge Road (Victoria, Australia)
ABV: 5.8%

Bling is Australia’s longest continually produced IPA. 

A super balanced beer inspired by British tradition - Bling’s iconic red hue comes courtesy of lashings of rich Vienna malts which are artfully balanced with a firm hop bitterness.

布里奇路 炫彩IPA
IPA是一种在英国酿造,并运往印度给在那些印度生活的英国人饮用的啤酒。它使用了更多的啤酒花,酒精度也增加了,以确保在长途海运中啤酒不会变质。 布里奇路酒厂(Bridge Road)不惜一切代价酿造了这款IPA,疯狂运用啤酒花和麦芽但又让它们保持微妙平衡。这是一款大气的啤酒,酒花风格和苦味充盈其中。适合搭配口味较重的食物和辛辣食物。 曾获得:精酿啤酒大奖赛——澳洲最佳啤酒——金牌